As we celebrate October Cooperative Month, we’re shining a spotlight on the heart of GENEX – our members. Each of our members plays a vital role in driving innovation and success in the dairy and beef industries, and we’re proud to highlight their dedication and hard work. This month, we’re excited to share the stories behind the farms that make our cooperative strong, showcase the unique contributions of our members, and highlight how GENEX has partnered with them on their journey.
Join us as we celebrate the power of cooperation and the inspiring individuals behind it!
Renee Capko
Capko Brothers Farms, Swanville, Minnesota
Tell us about your farm:
We currently milk 400 cows on our dairy farm, where we mostly have Holsteins with a few Brown Swiss and Jersey cows. We raise all of our own replacement heifers along with raising our steers. We have about 100 cow/calf beef pairs that we raise as well.
We also grow our own feed for our animals which includes corn, soybeans and alfalfa.
The farm is managed by myself, my husband, my father-in-law (Jerry) and my husband’s uncle (Larry). We also have several hired hands that help keep our farm functioning as well.
How long have you been a member of GENEX?
I have been an active member for roughly 4 years, but my husband and in-laws have been members for a while.
What do you like about being part of a cooperative?
I enjoy being part of a cooperative because of the community that it builds with other individuals in the agriculture industry. It is always fascinating for me to meet others and learn how they run their operations, and most of the time I learn a thing or two from them along the way.
What are your favorite GENEX products or services?
- RumiLife® CAL24™ for all of our fresh cows to help prevent milk fever
- Colostrum powder, which we use for supplementation or for colostrum replacement when needed. It mixes well and helps our calves get a strong start.
- RumiLife® PopPlus™ which we use in all of our bull or beef calves
- Paint for marking animals & breeding
- The HerdMonitor™ system to catch cows in heat for breeding and also for catching sick cows
- We have Josh Sassen (GENEX Reproductive Program Senior Technician) and other breeders who come out to our farm every day to breed cows; this has really been beneficial to our operation.
- Working with Anna Zeis (GENEX Dairy Account Manager & Consultant) with setting up all our matings and making sure we are on the right path when it comes to growing and improving our herd.

How has GENEX supported your farm’s goals or ambitions over the years?
We have enjoyed being able to work alongside Josh & Anna when it comes to improving our herd. For me, it is really cool to watch the genetics of our animals continue to improve in overall health and also be more strategic about the animals we are breeding and who our animals are mated with.
What advice would you give to a producer considering joining GENEX?
It is a great place to be, especially if you have goals of improving your overall genetics and the overall quality of your herd. I have really enjoyed working with everyone at GENEX.
What roles do genetics and reproductive solutions play in the success of your business?
They are constantly evolving and helping us raise a better animal that can be a strong component in our dairy herd. We love improving the health, genetics and the longevity of our herd; GENEX has a big part in that by providing quality semen for building up the next generation of animals to come on our operation.
Want to become a member of GENEX Cooperative?
Learn more about GENEX membership and how to become a member today, visit
Already a member? We encourage you to get more involved by becoming a GENEX delegate. For further information, reach out to Blaize Dankers-Donnay (GENEX Director of Member Engagement) at [email protected].