Cooperative Council
Representing GENEX cooperative members across the USA.
As a GENEX member, the council is your elected voice in co-op leadership. The council directors are dairy and beef cattle producers – just like you – who are loyal to the cooperative and dedicated to the long-term best interest of this organization and its membership.
Each council director is elected to represent a membership tier (tiers are based on the amount of business a member does with the cooperative) and among their roles is to influence membership decisions, contribute to open and collaborative dialogue with GENEX executives, and serve on committees related to co-op operations and growth.
2023-2024 GENEX Council
These fellow producers have been elected to ensure your cooperative remains relevant to its progressive dairy and beef members and customers around the globe and that GENEX continues to evolve to best serve future generations. Read on to learn more about each council member, their dairy or beef operation, their agriculture leadership involvement and their dedication to your cooperative.
Tier 1

Jody Schaap, Woodstock, Minnesota
Jody, her husband and their three children dairy farmed until March 2018 and today have a small cow/calf operation with about 50 cows. They also custom feed pigs and dairy heifers and farm about 1,800 acres of primarily corn and soybeans. She brings financial industry experience to the council, as she is employed full time at a local bank. Jody is also active in her community as a fire fighter, first responder and basketball coach. She has served on the GENEX council since 2016 and is currently the council Secretary.

Timothy Stroud, Philadelphia, Missouri
Timothy, his wife, Rebecca, and their five young children raise Registered Angus cattle on their diversified farm in Northeast Missouri. They rely on GENEX supplies and sires to A.I. 100% of their herd, and also for their custom breeding business needs. Along with their cow/calf to finish beef operation, they also raise corn, soybeans, wheat, hay and silage. Timothy was born and raised in the heart of Western New York’s dairy industry and is a graduate of College of the Ozarks with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture. He was elected as a GENEX delegate in 2019 and was first elected to serve on the council in 2022.
Tier 2

Israel Handy, St. Johnsville, New York
Israel and his family operate a 100-cow dairy in central New York and raise all their young stock. The Handy family does some beef on dairy breeding and raises their bull calves to finished steers as well. All cattle are bred 100% to GENEX sires and have been for many years. The family also has an on-farm store where they sell meat and eggs. In addition, they grow all their own feed and market extra hay, corn and soybeans. Israel served as a GENEX delegate for 10 years before being elected to the council in 2017. He currently serves as the council 2nd Vice President.

Bobby Robertson, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Bobby is a fourth-generation cattle producer who runs 70 registered Angus females and 225 commercial females. The registered herd is total A.I. and all sires used are from GENEX. In the commercial herd, he raises Herefords to create F1 black baldies. He also owns a cattle breeding service company. Bobby is a member of the American Angus Association and past president of the Northeast Oklahoma Angus Association. He has served on the GENEX council since 2009 and is the 1st Vice President.

James Loomis, Fabius, New York
James and his family milk about 200 cows, primarily Holsteins, in central New York. The family, including eight children, also raises all their own herd replacements and grows and harvests their own crops. They are loyal members using 100% GENEX semen and many Herd Care Line products as well. James served as a GENEX delegate for over 25 years, served on delegate committees several times and was elected to the GENEX council in 2021.
Tier 3

Tony Bakeberg, Waverly, Minnesota
Tony hails from a 230-cow dairy farm located west of Minneapolis. He operates the dairy along with his parents, brother and sister. They also raise all their own replacement heifers and feed out all bull calves to market steers. In addition, the Bakebergs farm about 1,000 acres, which enables them to grow all their own forages and grains for the herd plus have acreage to cash crop and sell commodities. Tony was elected to the GENEX council in 2021.

Glenn Kline, Troy, Pennsylvania
Glenn owns and operates Y-Run Farms LLC with his wife, Laurie, and their sons, Chad and Travis. The dairy is situated among the rolling hills of north-central Pennsylvania and is home to about 1,200 head of breeding age Holstein cattle. Glenn enjoys the genetic side of the farming business and breeding for extremely healthy, productive cows. The Kline family utilizes GENEX genetics, along with herd care products like RumiLife® CAL24™ nutritional supplement and UdderLife™ OptiShield™ teat sealant. Glenn has served as a GENEX cooperative delegate since 2004 and was elected to the council in 2023.
Tier 4

John Ruedinger, Van Dyne, Wisconsin
John and his wife, Karen, and their daughter and son-in-law, Jamie and David Zappa, are the owners of Ruedinger Farms in east central Wisconsin. The dairy is home to 1,500 cows and includes 1,550 acres of cropland, growing corn, soybeans, alfalfa and wheat. In addition to use of GENEX genetics and products, the Ruedingers engage their local GENEX consultant for genetic selection, reproduction management and herd replacement or mating strategies. John is involved in many agricultural organizations – like the Midwest Forage Council, National Forage Association, Farm Bureau and others. He has served on the board of directors and councils of GENEX predecessors and today is the GENEX council president.

Daniel Tetreault, Champlain, New York
Daniel and his family own Hidden View Farm, LLC, a 900-cow dairy located in far northeast New York that also includes 800 acres of cropland. The dairy relies on GENEX for ICC™ genetics, mating and A.I. service as well as herd care products like RumiLife® CAL24™ nutritional supplement. Dan attended Cornell-Canton SUNY where he studied agribusiness. Throughout his life, he has been active in his local community – on the town’s fire district planning committee and as a school board member – as well as in the agricultural community. He has served on the boards for Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Clinton County Soil & Water Conservation District and is an alumni of LeadNY. Dan previously served on the GENEX council from 2015-2020 and was re-elected in 2022.