Female replacement numbers are low. But not any female will do. You need hardworking momma cows – the ones that raise a heavy calf year after year, breed back every time, exhibit the udder, feet and leg structure necessary for the long-term success of your operation, and remain profitable.

Black momma cow and her calf

Build the cows you need with sires backed by maternal excellence.

At GENEX, we believe that behind every good bull is an even better cow. That’s why we offer elite genetics supported by a solid maternal pedigree. When you choose GENEX genetics, you can expect: 

Once you raise your next great momma cow, you need to make sure she gets pregnant. Rely on our PregCheck™ fertility rankings to create more pregnancies and add more dollars to your bottom line. 

Based on an internal on-farm database across millions of breeding observations, PregCheck™ fertility rankings are set to a 100-base system with 100 being average. Every one-point difference is equivalent to a 1% difference in conception rate.

We take your genetic progress to heart.

That’s why we offer Cow Sense & Science – a blend of generational wisdom, phenotype, EPDs and genomics – to provide you with cattle that exhibit real-world worthiness. With Cow Sense & Science in mind, our team of beef experts have spent countless hours helping beef producers like you raise the good ones. They’ve seen progeny throughout the country and know what it takes to create the next generation of hardworking mommas. Here are the game-changers handpicked by our experts as elite momma cowmakers.