Dairy Genetic Data at Your Fingertips
Use the Dairy Bull Search app to search and sort bulls industrywide. The app includes more than 40,000 bulls representing the Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Ayrshire and Milking Shorthorn breeds.
You can view bulls ranked by major indexes or search for individual bulls by short name, NAAB code or registration number to view their genetic data and pedigree information. Plus, you can filter bulls by the traits and indexes of your choice to identify sires that meet your herd’s genetic needs.
And, it’s available in multiple languages!
Accessible any time, any place
After the initial download, you won’t need internet connection to access these great features:
Search for bulls by stud code, short name or registration number!
Choose your favorite sires and save them to a favorites list for easy reference!
Sort bulls by your traits of interest and save or export your filtered results!